The Sprint Review, sometimes known as the Sprint Demo, occurs at the end of the Sprint where the Delivery Team reviews and demonstrates the work performed during the Sprint. Completed work can be demonstrated, planned work that was not completed can be reviewed and additional information can be gathered from stakeholders.
The Sprint Review can be a motivational team building ceremony since the Delivery Team and the Stakeholders are together. The Delivery Team gets to showcase the work and the Stakeholders provide direct feedback.
The benefit of the Sprint Review is the team inspects the progress of work performed during the sprint directly with stakeholders and can adapt to new information in upcoming sprints. Having the team get feedback directly from stakeholders is critical and offers the benefit of allowing the team to showcase the work delivered.
Sprint Reviews occur at the end of every Sprint before the Retrospective. Information gathered during the Sprint Review can be a critical input for Sprint Planning.
Team members should be prepared to demonstrate completed work and review uncompleted planned work. The Team’s focus should be on the actual work and not slides. Acceptance Criteria may be reviewed, and the Team should ensure at least one person is prepared to discuss every item, completed or not.
Since the Product Owner (PO) is closest to the stakeholders and customers, facilitation may be shared with the Scrum Master. Responsibilities should be agreed upon and invitations should be sent to stakeholders as a reoccurring ceremony.
The facilitator should be prepared to show a list of all Stories or Backlog Items committed during Sprint Planning or added during the Sprint. This can be done through the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool or a created document.
This should be a comfortable space where open discussion can take place. Communications with remote Stakeholders and Team members is key.
A way to display the User Stories, Acceptance Criteria, Features and working software is needed.